Grădini deschise ★ Brunch Party
For two days I opened the little known garden House Lupu, along with Outernational Days, a festival of world music fresh. In these hot days, we enjoyed good music in the shade of linden trees, we have made ourselves the best salad, helped by Ecoshopping.ro and Microgreens Romania, and we relaxed for a few hours, sipping cool potions. The next day we had our first meeting on revitalizing green spaces in the city.
Full story here: http://beta.calup.ro/ro/
Mark Lorant Mihat, Ale Stoica, Cristiana Tăutu
Casa Lupu -grădina
Outernational Days at Grădina Uranus & Club Control - super muzică
Ecoshopping.ro + Microgreens Romania + Calup - Make Your Own Salad
Spatiul M60 - sezlonguri
Woodish, DESCHIS Gastrobar, Konrad Mihat - suport